Maedo & Woo Chiropractic
Case Study

Project Overview
Maedo & Woo chiropractic is located in Orange County, CA, has been providing top-notch care to patients for 30 years. Despite their popularity and overflowing patient roster, they have yet to implement a website.
Design a responsive website for Maedo & Woo Chiropractic
Develop a branding for Maedo & Woo chiropractic
Project Scope
Responsive Website, Branding
User Research, Visual Design, UI Design, User Testing
About Project
Despite its successful 30-year track record, Maedo & Woo Chiropractic has yet to implement an online appointment system. As part of our mission to better serve our patients, we are committed to developing a responsive website that includes an online appointment system and additional features.
User Persona
With the data gathered from Primary research and secondary research, I was able to come up with 2 key different perspective of the audience.
Along with user persona, I created a Point of view statement to ideate a goal and How might we questions to ideate in order to reach the solution to a problem.

Project Goal
With How Might We questions, I was able to define goals for the project which it will also be a guide to the project.

Product Roadmap
By setting a goal, I was able to create product roadmap initializing features into categories into 4 from “must have” to “can come in later” to resolve the problem and potentially lead to a solution.
Site map
With the help of product roadmap, I was able to visualize primary features’ relationship between content along and arrange the hierarchy.

Research Plan
To Begin the project, It is very important to research competitors, trends, market and any backgrounds referring to the field. This research will provide me support me to understand the market and emphasize the users. To stay on track and to guide me to reach research goal, I created a research plan
Research Goals
Understand the chiropractic clinic market and the target audiences
Learn about how existing clinic’s patients service system operates
Learn about the how the competitors of Maedo & Woo chiropractic are providing service to their patients
Learn about competitors that does treatments similar/relates to chiropractors
Get to know how people search and select chiropractic
Learn about the experience with Maedo & Woo chiropractic
Secondary Research
Market Research
To develop a successful marketing strategy, it is essential to conduct thorough market research to gain a comprehensive understanding of the market landscape and identify key trends and target audiences. By analyzing market data, we can develop provisional personas that represent the needs, behaviors, and preferences of our target audience.
Chiropractic Market Trend
The value of the US chiropractic industry is over 19.5 billion in 2023 (IBIS World)
The market size of the Chiropractors industry is expected to increase 4.3% in 2023 (IBIS World)
More than 35 million people in the US visit chiropractor annually (american chiropractic association)
Estimate of 67,534 chiropractic business in the US in 2023 (IBIS World)
The market size of the Chiropractors industry is expected to increase 4.3% in 2023 (IBIS World)
Patient Demographic
Women and those between 34-64 are most likely to visit chiropractor (Wills Chiropractic 2020)
60% of patients who visit chiropractor are female (Cross river therapy)
More than 60% people that visit chiropractor are 45 and older (Cross river therapy)
Children between 12 and 17 of ages are more likely to see a chiropractor than kids of other ages (The goodbody)
Chiropractic online service
Having a strong online presence and utilizing the right digital marketing channels is crucial to attract new patients (Accomhealth)
Online consultation and video tutorials (MyChiropractorOnline)
Trending features for chiropractors must utilize: online directory listing, wellness lecture, mobile responsive webpage, wellness blog, marketing videos & social media, online store, patients testimonial, online booking.(Imatrix)
Competitive Research
To conduct a thorough competitive analysis, I searched for direct and indirect competitors in the neighborhood who had active business websites and excellent customer reviews. By analyzing their websites and online presence, I was able to gain valuable insights into their strengths and weaknesses, which I could then use to inform the development of the Maedo & Woo chiropractic website. In total, I analyzed three direct competitors and three indirect competitors, each of which provided unique perspectives on the local market and the needs of our target audience.
Provisional Persona
By combining data from primary and secondary research, I was able to identify two distinct perspectives within our target audience.

Primary Research
User Interview
To dive in deeper and to emphasize the users, I started with creating an interview guide and questions to ask the potential users. Total of 7 participants participated in the interview process.

Empathy Map
Interview Findings
Target audience age group should be around 20s-50s
Age group 10s or 60s does not utilize webpages
Marketing seemed to be more influenced on word-to-mouth
Depending on age range, some find it walk-ins more comfortable
Seeing good reviews are major factor to choose the clinic
Majority of appointments are done through phone calls and on the visit
Insurance coverage takes a big part on patient visits
Patients Needs
Users prefers to see the available time to book an appointment
User needs a friendly reminder to those who does not keep track
User needs a service to book an appointment and reschedule on their own preferred time
Able to check if the insurance is accepted before the visit
A trustful recommendation to make a visit to a clinic
Task Flow
Before diving into designing wireframes, I decided to identify task flow that will guide the direction of pages needed and to see the overall flow in the website.

User Flow
Based of task flow, I was able to map out user flows depending on the scenario and in order to complete a given task for the user.

Before I started to digitize wireframes, I sketched some key pages that I identified in task flow and in user flow. With wireframe sketches i was able to develop into digitalized wireframes.
Branding & Logo
Before the designing, from the conversation i had with the client and through my experience at the clinic as well as observing the clinic I was able to come up with couple ke words that possibly represent Maedo & Woo Chiropractic. They are “affable, simple, and reliable. With these see key words, I researched references to create a mood board. To establish the brand identity, I sketched logos and digitalized them.

Style guide & UI Components
By utilizing the mood board, brand words, and the selected logo, I successfully expanded the brand identity by defining colors, fonts, imagery, and icons that serve as a comprehensive guide. These elements were incorporated into a style guide, ensuring consistency across the design. Additionally, I developed UI components that can be effectively utilized throughout the design phase, enhancing the overall cohesiveness and user experience of the product.

Priority Revisions
Utilizing affinity map to analyze the feedbacks, I was able to categorize it into 2 categories from less frequent and severe to more frequent and severe to alternate
Less frequent and severe
Updates on visuals
Animation of illustrations after successfully create or book an appointment
Add back button
Updates on userflow
A feature to connect to other 3rd party to link the calendar
Notification on emails
Step to ask for notification
More frequent and severe
Updates on userflow
Log in with email
After creating an account, a button to go to patient portal
Ask to check insurance after creating the account
Updates on visuals
Add todays date is
Circles on the calendar could be confusing without any legend
On the header, sign in button
remove modal window of live chat


To see full UI designs, click here.
Responsive UI design

User Testing
Usability Testing
After implementing style guide to mid fidelity, I was able to use the wireframes into a usability testing. I created 2 task to complete for the web page format and 6 users were participated.
Test Objective
Test if users are able to accomplish the given tasks
Identify that generate difficulties and confusion when users are navigating through the website and completing a task
Generate findings from testing results to iterations for the next round
Tasks to complete
Task 1: Create an account
While searching for chiropractic, you visited the site and wants to make an appointment to get treated
Task 2: Book an appointment
You have been getting treatment and you need to make your appointment next week for treatment
Affinity Map
6 participants were involved in the usability testing and with the test result from usability testing, I created an affinity map to help me to organize all the feedbacks and notes from the participants. With the feedbacks, I was able to categorized each notes by needs, pains, struggles, frustration, insights, design feedbacks, and etc.

Final Thought
Take away
Being a patient, experiencing the excellent treatment to starting a project to build a webpage for the clinic was a great experience. I learned that I was able to emphasize deeper and easier because I was their patient and I was able to hear pain and frustration from the chiropractors and other patients. One concern I had was the different design approach to other chiropractic websites. Thankfully from prototype usability testing, I was able to receive positive feedback from the participants.
Next Step
Next stage would be to build the clinicals side of user flow when receiving appointment requests and updating patients information.
Urban Point
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